


Parenting Plan and Custody

Topics regarding the children are some of the most emotionally charged issues during a divorce. Susan is experienced with issues that parents face during divorce. She can help guide you as you develop a parenting plan that works for you, your children and your family. She will help you consider the needs of your children so that you have a parenting plan that works.

You will develop a plan that considers the week-to-week schedule as well as holidays, school vacations and summer vacations. You will discuss topics like school and extracurricular activities. 

College or Post Secondary Education

Planning for the post secondary education of your children including the significant cost will be a part of your divorce agreement. Susan is experienced in this topic and will help you plan the process for college selection, finances and terms that consider the aptitudes, interests and plan of each of your children. You can develop a post secondary education strategy that works for you and your children. 

Child Support

Child support, which is governed by the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines, will be reviewed and the terms will be included in your Separation Agreement. You will consider your income, child care expenses, health insurance expenses and parenting plan. There is extra consideration for college-aged children. There may be special considerations that may impact the amount of child support as well. Susan can help you determine the amount and payment of child support. You will also consider and plan for “extra” expenses such as day care, after school programs, extracurricular activities, out-of-pocket medical expenses, camps and private schools. 

Parenting Coordination

Parenting coordination is an option for high-conflict parents. A parenting coordinator who is specially trained and approved by the Family and Probate Court can work with the parents on all kinds of co-parenting issues and avoid the need to seek the court assistance as often as they might otherwise. This option saves money, decreases stress and results in better co-parenting with less impact on the children.

Unmarried Parents

Susan is experienced working with unmarried parents as they co-parent their children. She can assist you in the process of determining paternity and in developing a plan for the children to include custody, parenting plan including a regular weekly schedule as well as holiday and vacation time, health insurance, college or post secondary education.

Learn more about our other Practice Areas & Services:

Online Divorce Mediation
Collaborative Law
Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements