


Online mediation offers a flexible, convenient and affordable method to negotiate all of the terms of your divorce. You will access the virtual mediation session from your computer or smartphone. All you need is internet access. This means that you will enjoy all of the benefits of in person mediation, but from the safety, privacy and convenience of your own home or other location of your choice.

You will be able to complete and exchange documents, records and homework electronically. Each session allows the couple to discuss all topics and terms in a virtual setting. If needed, private caucuses with the mediator can be arranged.  

In today’s challenging environment this process offers clients the ability to mediate without delays and with safety in mind. In addition, some couples prefer not to be in the room together as they mediate and find that on line mediation provides a nice way to do that while still being fully involved in shaping the terms of their divorce. Clients who travel or work long hours find this process to be more flexible and adaptable to the needs of their demanding schedules.

Susan is experienced conducting virtual mediations and has completed extensive training in facilitating virtual mediations taught by nationally recognized leaders in the field. She finds that this method provides all of the benefits of in person mediation but adds the flexibility and convenience that so many couples need while facing the challenge of divorce.

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